advertise your web site with us!
“J&F Newtworks Plus” provides a variety of information regarding accommodation (apartments) in Tokyo, Japan!
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banner ads

Take advantage of our web site's banner-ad service
and increase traffic on your own site!
                            March 1st, 2005 (prices subject to change)
type of listing charge description
top page / center column / bottom
20,000yen (1 month)
239*60pixels (you may add text)
top page / left side / middle
30,000yen (1 month)
top page / right side / bottom
15,000yen (1 month)
190*60pixels (you may add text)
area page* / bottom right
12,000yen (1 month)

The prices shown above apply only with a 3 month advertising plan. Pay for 3 months of banner-ad placement up front, and recieve a 30% discount, as shown above. (The regular monthly prices are 30% higher than listed)
*choose one of the pages dealing with a specific area of Tokyo or Japan

You must provide your own banners

Fee must be paid in advance

1month : from the 1st till the last day of each month Feel free to ask for more information (e-mail)

J&F Networks

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